Monday, December 05, 2011

Traveler: Out With a Bang!

Well Folks, its been 12 issues and The Traveler is a wrap. I cannot express what a complete joy it has been to work on this project with Stan, Mark, Tom, Blonde, Ed and Dafna. To all the fans of the book thank you so very much! It was my pleasure and I would do it again at the drop of a hat. Over the next couple of days I'm going to post some art for the final issue. In the meantime, here is a review for Traveler #12:

Enjoy, and Thank You !


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Very sorry for the unbearably long wait in between updates. I'm building a home and switching projects which means no time for love Dr. Jones. Anyhoo. Here is a tasty morsel that should abide for a while.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Top Ten Reasons You Should Be Reading The Traveler

To celebrate the release of Stan Lee's The Traveler #6 I'm giving you 10 reasons why you should be reading if you are not already! 

#10- It's Low in Carbs. How is it possible that a nerdy science guy has the six pack abs of a UFC Champ? Simple. He watches what he eats.

#9- Awesome Hats. Who knew that time travel would result in such a fancy display of head gear?!

#8- Its Scientific. At least as much as High School, except our labs have cool explosions. Beat that baby pig in formaldehyde .  

#7- Oh the places you'll go. Yes! Dare I say?  The Traveler does in fact get around. Enjoy the scenic beauty.

#6- BFG's. We got guns that make Cable jealous...

#5- Marksmanship. And we know how you use them!

#4- Celebrity Cameos. Larry King guest stars.

#3- Hot Alien Chicks. Eat your heart out Cap'n Kirk.

Just kidding... Here they are...

#2-  Really Bad Dudes. If you're into Bad Boys, Abaris is all seven deadly sins wrapped into one" well done" cybernetic package.

#1- Pure Stan Lee Awesomeness. That's right true believers: Ron AKA The Traveler AKA Kronus. Is about as Stan Lee as it gets. So if you're a fan of Spider-Man, Iron-Man, The FF, etc. then don't miss out on Mr. Lee's latest!  We won't disappoint!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Zatanna Pittsburgh Pre-Commission

I'm going to Pittsburgh Comic Con. See everybody there! This Pre-Commission won't last long so come and get it!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shame on me.

I have done a terrible job at updating. Mostly because I am busy, which is good, but not when it hurts you (my loyal fan base).  I just want to say this. I'm sorry. I will do better. I wanted to post some artwork form Traveler #5. There are a lot of grumpy bears out there who are poo-poo-ing the issue a little. Us comic fans can be a fickle group. We see change ups in the writer/artists, and we get a green eggs and ham attitude. That's just the nature of the business folks. However, I want to ask you my fans for an honest critique. Because I believe the actual artwork is getting better with every issue of Traveler. As I get more comfortable with the characters I loosen up, I get more expressive. The work looks more cartoony or animated and it looses realism. That's the way I like it. However, I'm not sure that is the way you like it. So I'm going to post some of the artwork for your viewing pleasure and you guys tell me what you want. Do you like the realism or the expressionism let me know. Either way I'm good, I just want to give you what you feel you deserve.

Here are my Favorite Pages from #4 (which got great reviews).

Here are my Favorite Pages from #5 (which got mixed reviews).

So you guys "Thunderdome" these pages out. Let me know what I'm doing that you like and don't like, and I'll deliver for #7 (cause 6 is done).


PS- Let me know if you are buying the book because that carries weight.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Johnny and Yabba Ride Again.

So much to blog about so little time. Here is the Cover to Mars McCoy. Illustrated by me and written by my pally John.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Traveler #4

Hey All! Stan Lee's The Traveler #4 is out today. Go get your copy! Thank you to all the fans who are making this book possible!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Toy

For Christmas I got a Wacom Cintiq. Here is a sketch I'm doing for my buddy Mike Watson using the new toy. Happy with the progress thus far. Will post more. -C

Monday, February 14, 2011

American Cancer Society

Hey all, in follow up to my post Sad New Year (about the passing of Clement Suavé). I encourage everyone to support The American Cancer Society. Their web site is here: If you don't have the cash they have over 900 offices through out the nation where you can volunteer your time. If you live outside the United States it is likely they support Cancer Societies in your country. Check it out. And if you have the cash to donate go here: They accept donations as small as $5.00. If every one who visited this blog donated just $5.00 we could raise $76,550. That would be a very cool thing. If you read this blog and you have a blog yourself please encourage your readers to do the same. Let's build some karma here people! We all need it.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Get Your Dirty Paws Off Me...

The original Planet of the Apes was one of my all time favorite Sci-Fi movies. Even today the message of the movie is relevant more than ever, so when Ian Brill asked me to do the cover to #1 I jumped at the chance. Here is cover starting with the original comps. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Traveler #6 Cover

Okay folks, its time to get this show on the road. Here is a preview of the new traveler cover I stole it from Robot 6 on CBR. I'm also including my jpeg of the "Naked (or nekkid)" cover so you can see all the Easter eggs. Try and pick up both! Traveler is getting great reviews and I couldn't be happier. My friends at Giant Sized Podcast are singing its praises so if you live in Salt Lake make sure you stop by Black Cat Comics and share the love. Remember to support all the Podcasts at Watch Play Read ( its a great site for geeks like myself. The language is a little saucy so parents be informed. But its a great place to go to learn about what is happening in Comics, Games, Movies, and TV.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sad New Year

Hey all, Did you think that I fell off the face of the Earth? Well sometimes I wish I had. I'm sorry I dropped my blog on its head around Christmas time. I got super flooded with work. Which is a good thing financially, but a horrible thing for blogging. My Twelve days of Christmas turned into six, and then complete neglect. I just yesterday finished with my latest issue of Traveler. After sleeping for almost 24 hours I woke today ready to conquer the world, update the blog, finish some commissions, start a cover, yada,yada,yada... Then I turned on my computer and got slapped in the face with some terrible news.

Clement Sauvé passed away. I only met Clement in person once in San Diego, but we talked for hours and the advice he gave me directly led to my freelancing with DC Comics and thus my career in comics. He was extraordinarily talented, kind, humble and helpfull, and I will be forever in his debt for the priceless counsel he gave me. It makes me ill to think he is gone so young. We as an artistic community have lost someone who was truly great in every since of the word, and the day seems black for it. I'm not a rich person by any means, but I vow right now to find the best cancer charity out there and donate to it. We are loosing too many talented people to cancer and its time I personally did something about it. I encourage you: my readers, to do the same.  Rest in peace Clement you will be sorely missed.