Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sick of Sick and a Follow Up to the AAU Comic Panel

How many kids are sick in my house? All of them. My youngest two with strep throat, my older two with a virus. Joy has also fallen ill to the virus. I alone remain uninfected from the plagues of the apocalypse! Tasey seems to be a carrier for strep and the constant reinfection of  her sister Erica may have to lead to a tonsillectomy.


Anyhoodle, The panel in San Francisco went awesome! Thank you very much to Dan Cooney and AAU for having me out. It was awesome to meet Chris Staggs (my roommate at the Sir Francis Drake), Dan Brereton, Chris Marrinan, and Justin Greenwood. It was also nice to reacquaint myself with Rashan Ekedal and Marvel's Talent Editor C.B. Cebulski (we met at Comic Con San Diego in 2005). C.B. Cebulski actually remembered me form a talent review half a decade previous so beware Marvel hopefuls out there. The guy has a mind like a steel trap (and he lurks on art forums) so BEHAVE yourselves! I was so nervous at the panel I felt like throwing up, I hope I didn't sound too bad. AAU filmed this so when it goes up on the web everyone can judge for themselves.

My friend Kenshi took these pictures of the event with his iPhone (Thank you Kenshi!). I hope to have some artwork up soon but I'm desperately behind due to illness in my family so please be patient. It is coming. I have more Warlord, Farscape, and Sketchcards coming soon.

1 comment:

locuriatoons said...

muy bueno el blog amigo,la verdad que te pasas con lo que haces,un abrazo!