Hey guys, things are still crazy here but I thought I would take a second to plug my sketchbook for this year. Its the first one I've ever done and its a nice mix of stuff I've been doing for games, comics, and cards. If you are a fan of my blog I'm pretty sure you'll love my sketchbook. I'll be selling them across the nation at cons this year (some of you might have picked one up at San Diego) if you catch me at a signing or a show they are $10.00 (US) or you can by them over the internet or through the mail for $15.00 (US).
To purchase over the internet send $15.00 to hardinart@hotmail.com via Paypal and BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CORRECT SHIPPING ADDRESS.
To purchase thought the mail send a money order or cashier's check Hardin Art Studios 5178 N. Bulldog Rd. Cedar City UT, 84721. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CORRECT SHIPPING ADDRESS.
The book is 32 pages long, in black and white and limited to 500 copies. If you get one be sure to leave me feedback here so I can make an even better one next year! The image at top is the front and back cover.