Hey Guys I realize its been an incredibly long time since I posted. I've been busy making up time from being sick with the H1N1 and I'm under the gun with a hot dead line. So this post will be short and sweet. I want to plug the new Spirit TPB out from DC Comics. Its called The Spirit Book Four. I'm posting the cover to the TPB Masterfully done by Mr. Kubert himself and a page from the book done by Wayne and myself. I have lots of fun tidbits i can share. I'm doing another issue of Warlord. Its always fun to be back working with Mike. I'm drawing cards for Iron Man 2, and I'll post some as soon as I get them approved. I'm also still cranking on Farcsape covers, however I've been asked not to show them until the end of February. I also have some huge news coming just around the corner. I'm really excited about it, and if you ever wanted to buy a piece of art from me you'll be excited about it too. Anyhoo I gotta go! I'll keep you posted. Have a happy Thanksgiving! -C